
Bainbridge Island, Washington

The view of Seattle from the island

We spent last weekend taking in the sights and sounds (and flavors) of Bainbridge Island, which is a lengthy stone’s throw west of Seattle. The weather on Friday was sunny and very much spring-like, but Saturday and Sunday had rain, wind, and chill (and was glorious).

Life’s a Beach, Gravel and All

A view from Pleasant Beach Drive, Bainbridge Island

A hop and a skip from where we were staying – a lot of private beaches, but there’s also a stretch of public shoreline to the right of this photo. Note the very spring-y weather; quite a contrast with the gray and chilly weekend that followed.

Around and Around We Go

The labyrinth at Hall Hill Park

Only slightly new-agey with a proper history behind it, walking the labyrinth is a meditative exercise. Despite what the name might imply, it’s not a maze with dead ends, but a lengthy and winding path to the center of enlightenment. Or something.

Nidoto Nai Yoni

The Japanese-American Exclusion Memorial

During World War II, over 200 Bainbridge Island residents of Japanese heritage were shipped off at gunpoint to internment camps. This modest memorial serves to remind those who make the trip of the internees’ tale of injustice, woe, and eventual partial rehabilitation. Nidoto Nai Yoni (Let it not happen again)

Diner? Sure, Junior.

Breakfast of champions at Madison Diner

The plate makes the food look smaller, as this was quite satisfyingly filling, thank you.


The EPA at work

Next to a park lies a Superfund site. Never been to one before, gotta say (remediation site, not parks…).

Tempeh-stuously Yummy

A lovely vegan sandwich on the way home

It’s a 3-1/2+ hour drive from Bainbridge Island to Portland, Oregon, and the Washington state capitol of Olympia offers a great stopping place for a bite and record shopping (Rainy Day Records!).