
InboundRx Website

InboundRx is a marketing agency focused on helping independent pharmacies and other healthcare practices. Starting from a set of mockups created by InboundRx’s Director of Design in Adobe Illustrator, I’d created a WordPress custom theme, based on’s Sage starter theme. Making use of Bootstrap 4 and SASS, I’d created the Bosch (named for its triptych/three-panel layout) theme which was then further customized for InboundRx’s new website.

I’d created the base site and implemented the Bosch theme in a Cloud 9 workspace, and after additional customization and content generation, I published the site on an Amazon Web Service EC2 instance. The Certbot SSL is the cherry atop this cloud sundae.

Built with: WordPress, Sage, SASS, Node, Gulp, Bower, PHP, CSS, jQuery, Cloud 9, AWS EC2, Certbot SSL.

Live site:
